Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Buy One Get One FREE

I just found out about a fantastic opportunity that I have to tell you about. The School of Natural Healing is having a Christmas Special. Starting Nov. 1, 2010 thru Dec. 20, 2010 you can buy one level and receive the next level FREE. So that means if you purchase the Family Herbalist course (level 100) you will receive Fundamentals of Natural Healing (level 200) for FREE! To take advantage of this offer you must use the following link.

If you have been thinking about getting started on your own herbal odyssey and didn't know when or where to begin, now is the time.

Saturday, August 21, 2010


A few weeks back my son had ringworm on his arm. I decided to do a little research on the web to find a natural way to heal it. A site that I came across mentioned that garlic worked well and stated to crush garlic and place that on the affected area. I did that and placed the garlic in some gauze and applied it to his arm. We kept it on for a few hours and later that evening I took the gauze off and my son had a horrible blister on his arm. He had a second degree chemical burn from the garlic and after making a few calls and doing some more research I found out to never apply straight garlic on the skin. If garlic should be applied on the skin it must always be mixed with oil or Vaseline so it does not burn the skin. Obviously I felt horrible! It has taken awhile for his arm to heal and once it had healed a bit I started putting on Dr. Christopher's Complete Tissue and Bone Ointment. The area has been healing nicely using the ointment several times a day. I am hoping that with continued use there will be minimum scarring. I'll keep you posted.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Big Pharma vs Herbal Treatments

As many of you know the large pharmaceutical industry has been marketing with a fervor for years. Unfortunately the Herbal industry does not have the type of cash flow to combat some of the lies that are conveyed by the conventional medical community. The few examples that do exist are either conveyed in such a way as to be portrayed as being conspiratorial or just plain kooky.

Then things like this article come along which I'm sure will not get the main stream press time it deserves.
Big Pharma researcher admits to faking dozens of research studies for Pfizer, Merck

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Living in the country there are all kinds of things the children can get into. The other day my two youngest children were outside playing. They did have boots on but my daughter stepped on an old screw and it punctured her foot. Her brother came in to tell us and she was right behind him limping. I took a look at her foot and there was a scrape mark and then a puncture from the screw. One big scare for everyone is tetanus. We have chosen, after much consideration not to vaccinate our children. I immediately had her soak her foot in warm water with some Dr. Christopher's X-Ceptic Extract added to the water. After about 20 minutes I then added some X-Ceptic Extract to a band aid and covered her foot with that.

The next day in the morning I had her soak her foot again in warm water with X-Ceptic Extract and applied a fresh bandage. The area was red and a little swollen. Since this is a learning experience for me I decided to call someone with more experience. The School of Natural Healing has a wonderful outreach where anyone is able to call and speak to a Master Herbalist. So if you have an educational herbal question you may reach the school at 1-800-372-8255 between 1:00 and 2:00PM Mountain Standard Time, Monday thru Thursday. There is no charge for this service. Many people do call in so there is a wait time. I waited about 30 minutes to be able to speak with a Master Herbalist.

When it was my turn I asked about what I should be doing for my daughters foot to help it heal without having to get a tetanus shot. I rubbed garlic oil on her foot to help heal the puncture. It was recommended to have my daughter eat lots of garlic as garlic boosts the immune system so off to the store for fresh garlic. I crushed 4 cloves of garlic and mixed in a little honey. I must say that this daughter has always been fantastic about taking herbal medicines and sure enough she ate it with very little complaining. Then on to the garlic oil foot rub, this part she enjoyed. Needless to say you could smell her coming for miles around.

We did the garlic oil foot rub for a few more days and her foot healed up without any problems. I am glad that we took this route instead of the traditional doctor.

Monday, February 1, 2010

The School of Natural Healing

As a gift for Christmas my husband enrolled me in the online Family Herbalist course through The School of Natural Healing. For the online course you do not need to purchase the books and videos, everything is provided online. A few weeks into the class I realized it would probably be better to have the printed materials so I ordered them since a discounted price is provided for students. The class teaches you so much and is a great class to take to get the basics of herbs and how you can help and treat your family when they come down with common illnesses. No more having to depend on a doctor for cold, flu, bronchitis, chicken pox and other common ailments.

If you are wanting to start learning how to take care of yourself and your family without having to depend on a doctor this class is a great place to begin.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Natural Asthma Treatment

About six months ago I had taken my youngest daughter to the allergist to be retested. I was hoping that she had outgrown many of her food allergies over the last few years. While she was there she had a lung capacity test and was only at 60%. We decided to wait a month and retake the test. Well, her allergy test came back and the list of what she isn't allergic to is shorter than the list she is allergic to and they tested her for 60 different food and environmental allergens. The month was up and I took her back to the allergist for another lung function test. This time she tested at 61%, so really no improvement. The allergist wanted to have her start a daily inhaler. I just could not stand the thought of her inhaling a steroid every day. I smiled nice and took the prescription and we went home.

My dear husband and I started doing some research about what could we do naturally. He came across a herbal formula that is suppose to help repair the lungs and bronchial tubes and help with an asthma allergy among other issues, it was worth a shot. We are always interested in an appropriate asthma treatment due to her allergies and prevent the use of an asthma inhaler. I threw the prescription away and ordered the herbs. I had her start taking it once a day and then moved her up to twice a day. It is in liquid form so I just add the number of drops into a small amount of water and have her drink it. After about 4-5 months we decided to take her back to the allergist for another lung function test.

My husband took some time off work to go to the appointment with us. Her lung function test this time was a 92%. Needless to say we were very excited. The doctor asked when the last time she used the inhaler was and I told him the last time was at the last appointment when he showed her how to use it. He said that whatever we were doing was working great and to keep it up. He never did ask what we were doing!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

How To Control High Blood Pressure Naturally

Being tired of some of the response from typical conventional doctors I have started researching on my own. I have been coming across some amazing things. My dear husband bought me the book Over the Counter Natural Cures by Shane Ellison. There is so much great information in the book. One thing that it talks about is using GNC Hawthorn to reduce blood pressure.

While that dear hubby of mine has been on blood pressure meds. for awhile now and he still has elevated blood pressure. While he was on the Diovan HCT by Novartis Pharmaceuticals his pressure was in the mid 130's over high 70's. He was willing to be my guinea pig and try some herbal stuff. He went completely off his Diovan and started taking the Hawthorn. After about 2 1/2 months it was time for another check up with the doctor. Needless to say I was a little nervous when he went, wondering if the hawthorne was working or not. When he came back home he had great news that his pressure was now 126 over 62. He did tell the doctor that he had been off the Diovan for about 2 months, so it was now completely out of his system. The doctor was interested in what he was taking and requested the empty bottle of the Hawthorne and the information that he had. I would highly recommend Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison's book Over the Counter Natural Cures because it does tell you how to figure out the correct dosage of Hawthorn to take.

So if you are having issues with hypertension and are looking for a decent high blood treatment or remedies please do yourself a favor and buy the book!

Friday, January 15, 2010

The Herbal Odyssey Begins

The purpose of this blog is to present a living archive of our family's journey into learning about and using herbal supplements and really anything natural for health. Any ideas or input related to alternative medicine are welcome however we are a Christian family and as such stay Christ-centered in our approach to wellness.