Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Living in the country there are all kinds of things the children can get into. The other day my two youngest children were outside playing. They did have boots on but my daughter stepped on an old screw and it punctured her foot. Her brother came in to tell us and she was right behind him limping. I took a look at her foot and there was a scrape mark and then a puncture from the screw. One big scare for everyone is tetanus. We have chosen, after much consideration not to vaccinate our children. I immediately had her soak her foot in warm water with some Dr. Christopher's X-Ceptic Extract added to the water. After about 20 minutes I then added some X-Ceptic Extract to a band aid and covered her foot with that.

The next day in the morning I had her soak her foot again in warm water with X-Ceptic Extract and applied a fresh bandage. The area was red and a little swollen. Since this is a learning experience for me I decided to call someone with more experience. The School of Natural Healing has a wonderful outreach where anyone is able to call and speak to a Master Herbalist. So if you have an educational herbal question you may reach the school at 1-800-372-8255 between 1:00 and 2:00PM Mountain Standard Time, Monday thru Thursday. There is no charge for this service. Many people do call in so there is a wait time. I waited about 30 minutes to be able to speak with a Master Herbalist.

When it was my turn I asked about what I should be doing for my daughters foot to help it heal without having to get a tetanus shot. I rubbed garlic oil on her foot to help heal the puncture. It was recommended to have my daughter eat lots of garlic as garlic boosts the immune system so off to the store for fresh garlic. I crushed 4 cloves of garlic and mixed in a little honey. I must say that this daughter has always been fantastic about taking herbal medicines and sure enough she ate it with very little complaining. Then on to the garlic oil foot rub, this part she enjoyed. Needless to say you could smell her coming for miles around.

We did the garlic oil foot rub for a few more days and her foot healed up without any problems. I am glad that we took this route instead of the traditional doctor.

Monday, February 1, 2010

The School of Natural Healing

As a gift for Christmas my husband enrolled me in the online Family Herbalist course through The School of Natural Healing. For the online course you do not need to purchase the books and videos, everything is provided online. A few weeks into the class I realized it would probably be better to have the printed materials so I ordered them since a discounted price is provided for students. The class teaches you so much and is a great class to take to get the basics of herbs and how you can help and treat your family when they come down with common illnesses. No more having to depend on a doctor for cold, flu, bronchitis, chicken pox and other common ailments.

If you are wanting to start learning how to take care of yourself and your family without having to depend on a doctor this class is a great place to begin.